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UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Linkage to CytoDyn (OTCMKTS: CYDY) Evolving

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson Linkage to CytoDyn (OTCMKTS: CYDY) Evolving
Written by
Chris Sandburg
Published on
April 7, 2020
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CytoDyn Inc. (OTCMKTS: CYDY) announced today it was collaborating with the United Kingdom’s Department of Health to provide emergency access to leronlimab for serve and critically ill COVID-19 patients. Coincidently, one of the highest profile political figures, United Kingdom’s Prime Minister Boris Johnson, tested COVID positive on March 27th. Today he was just moved to the intensive care unit in St. Thomas Hospital in London as a precautionary measure and was being treated with oxygen. In a move of solidarity President Trump commented today.

“We have made tremendous progress in therapeutics. I had a fantastic call today which I will be talking about a little later. I’ve asked two of the leading companies, these are brilliant companies, Ebola, AIDS others have come with solutions and have done incredible jobs. I’ve asked them to contact London immediately. . . . I’ve had a talk with four of them today. They speak a language that most people don’t understand. But I understand something. They have really advanced therapeutics.”

The linkage in the president’s statement to Gilead Sciences (NASDAQ: GILD) and CytoDyn is undeniable. The president mentions Ebola which alludes to GILD’s drug remdesivir and the AIDS comment seems like it was directed at CYDY. Yesterday in CYDY’s Proactive Investors Video the company broke some more news with respect to updates. Dr Patterson said

“We are seeing a restoration of the immune systems in 3 days and almost full recovery by 7 days and that’s in addition to quieting the cytokine storm.”

Based on the groups of the initial 4 compassionate use patients and the last 5 compassionate use patients, a total of 4 out of 9 patients have extubated their ventilators within 3 days. No other drug anywhere in the world has demonstrated such promise. The patients were treated at Montefiore Medical Center. This is a hospital that has consistently been ranked among the best hospitals in the United States by US News & World Report. Only a study done by a prestigious medical center like Montefiore would be considered an option for a world leader like Boris Johnson. Its also important to note that the Montefiore patients all failed hydroxychloroquine and remdesivir before trying leronlimab. The company is expected to announce two week survival of the first cohorts of 10 compassionate use patients shortly.While writing this article another Proactive video broke and there is a very strong linkage to the PM but ultimately that is in the hands of the United Kingdom.

Is seems very clear that CYDY is overtaking GILD as the front runner in the race for COVID-19 approval and has move well past Regeneron (NASDAQ: REGN). REGN is enrolling up to 400 patients in their Kevzara® trial. Like CYDY, REGN is targeting the IL-6 receptor, but in a different way. GILD promised results in early April and nothing has come to pass. GILD’s release could be imminent but it’s clear from the market reaction that if they are released they are going to show little benefit.The president mentioned 4 companies so it’s important to look at some of the names that could be in contention. Recently Athersys (NASDAQ: ATHX) has gotten a mention for it stem cell therapy. They are fast tracked for the treatment of ARDS. Like CYDY, Ampio Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: AMPE) also has a treatment option that would be inhaled and would quiet the cytokine storm. This drug was originally develop as a lung medication before an Osteoarthritis of the Knee therapeutic. Dr. Baror has been working on this for over 30 years and believe this will be a “game changer.” Bioxytran Inc. (OTCMKS: BIXT) is a company that looks like it might be able to eradicate the COVID-19 using its novel galectin inhibitor. They recently came out with a presentation and a video that laid out a solid scientific basis on how their drug will bind to the coronavirus spike protein to prevent entry and be filtered out by the liver. One of the other names getting some press today is Akers Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: AKER). What they have is a vaccine that is likely to have a broad spectrum approach. This means that it should work for more people but what is so innovative about the technology is the manufacturing. Many are saying that it will take 12 – 18 months to come to market with a vaccine but the company’s proprietary manufacturing techniques might be able to accelerate development.


CYDY is going on FOX business news to break a story at 11:45PM Pacific Time. [UPDATED] Whatever the news it will likely be worth watching. The overall market is very concerned that many people are going to die and that we are going to run out of ventilators. This one stock could change the trajectory. Although it might not be the magic bullet, existence of this drug could reinvigorate the economy as people no long fear that COVID-19 might be a death sentence. Anecdotally it’s safe to say this drug works or as Trump put things, people have a right to try. Results are coming out as soon as Friday and investors shouldn’t count out a Trump podium announcement of a third and possible front runner as a COVID-19 treatment option.We will be updating our subscribers with more updates. For the latest updates on Coronavirus Stocks, sign up below!Disclosure: Insider Financial and its owners do not have a position in the stocks posted and have posted this article for free without editorial input. This article was written by a guest contributor and solely reflects his opinions.

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