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Predictive Technology Group (OTCMKTS:PRED): A Smart Play On COVID-19 Testing

Predictive Technology Group (OTCMKTS:PRED): A Smart Play On COVID-19 Testing
Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
April 13, 2020
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The biggest problem facing the world right now is the coronavirus crisis. While it is tragic what is happening, there's a huge opportunity for investors that can invest in the companies that will solve this crisis. There are two segments for investors to focus on - those companies working on a vaccine and ones companies working on testing for coronavirus. One stock which we've identified that has enormous potential in the testing phase is Predictive Technology Group (OTCMKTS:PRED).What's most exciting about OTCMKTS:PRED is that the company is focused on a COVID-19 antibody test. A major answer to the question of when — and how — Americans can return to public places like work and school depends on an antibody test, a blood test that determines whether someone has ever been infected with the coronavirus. People who are believed to be immune may be able to safely return to work. It would be especially important to know which health care workers are protected from getting infected and could continue to care for sick people. The White House is even thinking of issuing “certificates of immunity,” which could be issued to people who had previously been infected.This is where OTCMKTS:PRED comes in. But first, let's discuss what Predictive Technology Group does for those that aren't familiar with the company.

About OTCMKTS:PREDPreview (opens in a new tab)

Predictive Technology Group aims to revolutionize and personalize precision patient care. The Company’s entities harness predictive gene-based analytics to develop genetic and molecular diagnostic tests and companion therapeutics in order to support a patient from diagnosis through treatment.Dedicated to identifying the barriers that impact lifelong health through our genetic library, genomic mapping and individualized diagnostics, Predictive’s tests and products empower clinicians to provide their patients with the highest level of care. For more information, visit www.predtechgroup.com.It's wholly-owned subsidiary, Predictive Labs, focuses on hard-to-diagnose and hard-to-detect diseases. Leveraging its vast genetic library, Predictive offers earlier detection of a variety of diseases through genetic assessments to guide personalized precision medicine.Equipped with a state-of-the-art CAP and CLIA accredited laboratory, Predictive operations perform next-generation sequencing experiments, including whole exome sequencing, gene and genetic marker panels, and low-pass whole genome analysis of embryos for aneuploidies. Predictive arms physicians with the most robust diagnostic tools to provide personalized precision treatment for their patients. For more information, visit www.predictivelabs.com.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eikfArKjQ50[/embed]

PRED One Million Unit Order

The latest news from OTCMKTS:PRED is that its distribution partner, Wellgistics, has submitted an initial order for immediate delivery of one (1) million units of the Assurance AB™ COVID-19 IgM/IgG Rapid Antibody Test (Assurance AB) intended for use by laboratories and healthcare workers at the point-of-care in the U.S. Predictive also announced website updates relating to Assurance AB including:Instructions For Use, Quick Reference Guide and Fact Sheet for laboratories and healthcare workers at the point-of-care. The website also includes an instructional video on administering the Assurance AB test. Bradley Robinson, CEO of Predictive Technology Group, said:

“We have been working diligently with Wellgistics to get this first order put in motion, even prior to making our partnership announcement on April 3. This country is in high need of the Assurance AB testing for point of care use and we have brought all resources to bear to bring this product to the United States. Wellgistics has provided us with state-by-state demand guidance, to ensure that regions with the most urgent need have first access to the test. Our main priorities will be to focus on servicing those areas."


OTCMKTS:PRED faces immediate resistance at the $1.50 level. A push through there and next target is $2 a share. Above $2 and we expect to see a spike like last summer and hit new 52-week highs above $6.91 fairly quickly.On the downside, immediate support is at $.95 a share, followed by the $.70 level. We believe the lows are in as the bears had their opportunity to push the stock down and couldn't. The bulls did a lot of accumulation below the $.50 level. Most of these bulls are long-term holders and believers in OTCMKTS:PRED. OTCMKTS:PRED Daily Chart

PRED Fundamentals

What differentiates OTCMKTS:PRED from other OTC stocks is that the company already generates significant revenues. Revenues from operations for the three months ended December 31, 2019 totaled $7.3 million. For the 2019 fiscal year, Predictive Technology Group did $43 million in revenues, up from just $75,000 in fiscal year 2016. While OTCMKTS:PRED did lose $15 million in fiscal year 2019, this is very common for a fast-growing biotech investing in R&D.

Bottom Line

True to the adage, buy low sell high. We still believe OTCMKTS:PRED will likely see new highs later on this year. For those without their calculator, OTCMKTS:PRED presents upside of over 490% from current levels.Good luck to all (except the shorts)!We will be updating our subscribers on the latest coronavirus stock plays. Sign up today!Disclosure: We have no position in OTCMKTS:PRED and have not been compensated for this article.Image by Ahmad Ardity from Pixabay

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