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OPTI: Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, Dollars

OPTI: Nickels, Dimes, Quarters, Dollars
Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
November 6, 2020
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When it comes to owning penny stocks, investors need to focus on only the ones with the biggest potential. These are the stocks trading for pennies that can soon be trading at $.05, then $.10, then $.25, and before you know it over $1. This is why we invest in penny stocks. We at Insider Financial are looking for big returns and to capture those big returns, you have to find the must-own stocks like OPTI.We first wrote up OPTI in September when it was $.02 a share. We identified OPTI as one of those must-own stocks, which you can read here.Now when it comes to trading penny stocks, there are four types of investors - the scalper, the day trader, the swing trader, and finally the investor. You have the Tim Sykes crew posting that they just made $200 catching a move one day and then the next day they are posting they lost $500 buying OPTI after the PR hit the tape.Meanwhile, our subscribers are already in OPTI and patiently waiting. Our subscribers are not in penny stocks to pay the mortgage. They are in penny stocks to buy a house! This a huge difference and it's all mental. You have to set goals and decide what you want. If you look at Warren Buffett, he buys and holds.Now you can't do this with just any penny stock. The OTC Markets is loaded with bag holders. The key is building a portfolio of a handful that have enormous potential. This is what we focus on identifying for our subscribers. These are stocks like NWBO, BRTXQ, MMEDF, VRYYF, ENZC, and OPTI. These are all great story stocks with enormous growth potential. All have a large shareholder base with a very vocal social following. This is so important when it comes to penny stocks. There needs to be awareness and a following. If there are more buyers than sellers, the price goes up.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5qlL1w6KMY4&feature=emb_title[/embed]


Now that you understand a little how we operate, we will dive into OPTI. With Locations in Carlsbad and Vista, California, OPTEC International is a developer and manufacturer of electronic LED, Ultraviolet (UV) & UV-C safety products, and related advanced technologies and PPE (Personal Protection Equipment) products.The company’s Safe-Scan product line is being launched at a time when HR directors and facilities managers are experiencing extreme concern with respect to keeping environments safe during the global pandemic crisis and the safe reopening of the U.S. economy.

$2 Billion Order

What got OPTI moving was the announcement that the company secured a fully executed definitive agreement for the supply of Brand Specific Personal Protection Equipment (PPE) products for a large International Commodities Consortium totaling in excess of $2 billion.After the news hit the tape, OPTI opened at $.06, ran to $.08, and dropped to $.05 before finally closing the day at $.0587 a share. Now, you would think a $2 billion order would have sent OPTI to $1 or higher, but the shorts and skeptics started spreading fear, uncertainty, and doubt (FUD). OPTI Daily ChartHere's the thing - if the order wasn't real would the company file an 8-K? We know many penny stocks have gotten trading suspensions from the SEC for putting out bogus press releases. However, we can't think of one that did a bogus 8-K.OPTI CEO Roger Pawson signed the 8-K and added this part.

The company (OPTEC) has already sourced and secured the products for the entire agreement, along with coordinating the logistics portion of the agreement. The product distribution is expected to be fully completed by December 2020.

Then the shorts tried to discredit the deal by saying that OPTI does not have the manufacturing facilities. Again, we really wish the shorts would learn how to read, but I guess these words are too big and too difficult for them to understand.OPTI has sourced and secured the products for the entire agreement, along with logistics. OPTI is playing middle man. This is well-known. CEO Roger Pawson has said that the company has been sourcing masks from 3M.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z4qs4mNm2Pc&t[/embed]OPTI has been involved in the sale of larger wholesale transaction quantities of 3M KN 95 masks for the past few months, adding significantly to the company’s revenues and profitability. OPTI said last month that it was in additional negotiations for significantly larger wholesale mask transactions and due to the size of these transactions will publicly announce upon closing/completion of the same.The $2 billion order is what OPTI alluded to last month. We knew it was coming. We just didn't know it would be this big!

Short and Distort

This is not the first time we have had to defend OPTI from the shorts. Back in September, we said the biggest challenge facing OPTI stock comes not from making sales and growing its business, but rather short-sellers. When we looked into this company, we could not believe the number of paid bashers saying that the company has no product to sell and is a scam. First of all, all anyone needs to do is go to OTC Markets and look at the financials for OPTI.The latest results showed OPTI surpassed its $4,000,000 projection for last quarter and, in fact, showed revenue and income totaling $6,284,609 and a net income of $3,381,730.Second, would RB Capital lend $5 million to a scam company? We don’t think so!Third, regarding product in the warehouse. The warehouse is just for distribution. Product comes in and goes right out. This is how a healthy business operates. Matter of fact, we would be more worried if the warehouse was full of product as it would signal the company couldn’t sell its inventory. Obviously, these paid bashers don’t understand how business works.

OPTI Bottom Line

OPTI is a hidden gem on the OTC Markets. We know many investors refuse to buy because of the FUD spread by the shorts. This is a huge missed opportunity on their part. However, those that buy for the long run are going to be laughing all the way to the bank as OPTI goes to a dime, then a quarter, and finally dollars. This incredible opportunity is at hand. Just need a little patience.As always, good luck to all (except the shorts)!


Disclosure: We have no position in OTCMKTS:OPTI or any of the securities mentioned. We wrote this article ourselves and it expresses our own opinions. We are not receiving compensation for it. We have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Insider Financial is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This article is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.Image by Kevin Schneider from Pixabay

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