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Meme Stock Madness: FFIE GME AMC AVXL

Meme Stock Madness: FFIE GME AMC AVXL
Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
May 15, 2024
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Insider Financial recaps the day's small-cap action and covers the stocks on our radar screen.

This video covers GWAV, SYTA, AVXL, GME, AMC, CSLR, ASTS, and FFIE.

Video Summary

Last week, we brought you GWAV. Today it was up over 34% and it’s trading 66% higher afterhours to just under $.10

Last night, we gave you SYTA and it closed up 11% today.

Biotech analyst Chris Sandburg had a report earlier this week on insiderfinancial.com about AVXL. I highly recommend you read the article on Anavex Life Sciences (read title) on insiderfinancial.com. Over 25% of the float is short. He lays out the investment thesis in the article and why the stock needs to be on your radar.

We’ve also been covering meme mania here on the channel. As I said last night, don’t fall for the diamond hands/paper hands BS. It’s all about making money. Take profits where you can. Let some ride for free, but above all, don’t become a bag holder. Don’t let a winner turn into a loser. Make that money and move on to the next play. 

We saw some heavy profit taking across the board today in the meme stocks. GME down 18% and AMC down 20%.

Remember, it’s better to be lucky than smart when it comes to trading and investing. Good luck to all, except the shorts.

Complete Solaria (CSLR) has announced that a significant Complete Solaria private equity debt holder, Carlyle, has agreed to release the Co. from its debt obligations in return for a third-party cash payment.

The Carlyle debt, which has prevented the Co. from raising money in the market, will be replaced with $10M in debt from another debt provider that offers balloon payback structures without unduly restrictive operational covenants.

AT&T (NYSE: T) said on Wednesday it had entered into a deal with satellite network company AST SpaceMobile (NASDAQ: ASTS) to bring satellite internet connectivity to phones, providing a potential alternative to SpaceX’s Starlink.

Everyone is talking about FFIE. Stock was up 147% today and is trading higher in afterhours. According to Finviz, 96% of the float is short.

As I said earlier, these meme stocks are not long term holds. Trade them, don’t own them. I don’t think meme mania is over by any chance. I think we will get that blow off top. That’s where the market rallies and then reverses.

Bottom Line

As we keep saying, there are always opportunities in the markets, and it’s our job to find winning stocks to trade. Huge gains can be made in such a short amount of time.

It’s essential to look for stocks that have yet to run. There are plenty of opportunities, and we look at hundreds of stocks weekly for our subscribers.

Remember, all it takes is one or two to become a winner, and you’ve crushed the market indices (and Jim Cramer) for the year.

Good luck to all (except the shorts and Cramer)!


Disclosure: We have not been compensated for this article/video. ONE22 MEDIA, LLC HAS BEEN COMPENSATED A FEE OF TEN THOUSAND USD BY A THIRD PARTY, SICA MEDIA, LLC FOR A ONE-DAY GWAV PROFILE.  O22 HAS PREVIOUSLY BEEN COMPENSATED A FEE OF TEN THOUSAND USD BY A THIRD PARTY, SICA MEDIA, LLC FOR A ONE DAY GWAV PROFILE. O22 HAS BEEN COMPENSATED A FEE OF NINE THOUSAND USD BY A THIRD PARTY, SICA MEDIA, LLC FOR A ONE DAY SYTA PROFILE.  WE HAVE PREVIOUSLY BEEN COMPENSATED A FEE OF FIFTEEN THOUSAND USD BY A THIRD PARTY,  TD MEDIA, LLC FOR A 2 DAY SYTA AWARENESS CAMPAIGN. ALL HAVE EXPIRED. Insider Financial is not an investment advisor; this article/video does not provide investment advice. Always do your research, make your own investment decisions, or consult with your nearest financial advisor. This article/video is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article/video is our opinion, is meant for informational and educational purposes only, and does not provide investment advice. Past performance is not indicative of future performance.

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