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iBio Stock (NYSEAMERICAN:INIO) About To Make A Big Move

iBio Stock (NYSEAMERICAN:INIO) About To Make A Big Move
Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
April 28, 2020
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While other coronavirus stocks have been making big moves in April, iBio Stock (NYSEAMERICAN:IBIO) has been stuck trading just under the $1 level. With Aytu Bioscience Inc, Inovio Pharmaceuticals, and Moderna Inc having just made huge moves, IBIO stock looks to be the next coronavirus play to make a big move.The only reason to trade penny stocks is for the explosive moves they can make. If a penny stock doesn’t have triple-digit or 10-bagger potential, there’s no reason to really be owning them. We at Insider Financial understand this and we spend our time hunting for penny stocks that can make big moves. After alerting our subscribers to the upcoming big moves in AYTU, INO, and MRNA, we are now focused on IBIO stock. IBIO STOCK DAILY CHART


First up, here's a little background iBio is a global leader in plant-based biologics manufacturing. Its FastPharming System™ combines vertical farming, automated hydroponics, and glycan engineering technologies to rapidly deliver gram quantities of high-quality monoclonal antibodies, vaccines, bioinks and other proteins. The Company’s subsidiary, iBio CDMO LLC, provides FastPharming Contract Development and Manufacturing Services via its 130,000 square foot facility in Bryan, Texas.Originally built in 2010 with funding from the U.S. Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), iBio’s FastPharming Facility was part of the “Blue Angel” initiative to establish factories capable of rapid delivery of medical countermeasures in response to a disease pandemic. iBio’s FastGlycaneering Development Service™ includes an array of new glycosylation technologies for engineering high-performance recombinant proteins. Additionally, iBio is developing proprietary products which include IBIO-100 for the treatment of fibrotic diseases and IBIO-200, a COVID-19 vaccine. For more information, visit www.ibioinc.com.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBK9-mrBnS0&feature=emb_title[/embed]


The challenges related to COVID-19 are numerous. One of the biggest challenges is once a vaccine is found, how will that vaccine be manufactured in mass quantities. This is where IBIO stock comes into play. iBio estimates that the company could make about 500 million doses of high-quality product annually at its Texas facility. Tom Isett, Co-Chairman & CEO of iBio, said:

“That scalability links directly to the modular technology behind our FastPharming Manufacturing System, which uses a relative of the tobacco plant as the 'bioreactor' to produce biopharmaceuticals. So, the amount of product generated by a single plant is consistent from research- to commercial-scale, and scale-up is achieved by simply growing thousands more plants within our 130,000 square foot facility. This is real innovation in the manufacture of biopharmaceuticals, thus our significant synergy with the NIIMBL community.”


iBio Inc has a deal with Lincoln Park Capital Fund, LLC, for the purchase of up to $50M of its common stock over a three-year period subject to conditions. This will give the company plenty of cash to fund operations over the next three years. Cash is the biggest concern for small biotechs and that’s no longer a concern for iBio Inc.


Coronavirus is here to stay until a vaccine is commercialized. IBIO stock is at the forefront of vaccine manufacturing and one of the best plays for investors on a pandemic the modern world has never seen before. If iBio Inc succeeds, it will solve a major humanitarian crisis and shareholders will have banked big profits.Good luck to all (except the shorts)!We will be updating our subscribers on the latest coronavirus stocks. Sign up today!Disclosure: We have NO position in NYSEAMERICAN:IBIO and have NOT been compensated for this article.Image by Engin Akyurt from Pixabay

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