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BPS initiates coverage on Federal National Mortgage AssctnFnni Me (OTCBB:FNMA)

BPS initiates coverage on Federal National Mortgage AssctnFnni Me (OTCBB:FNMA)
Written by
Aaron Smith
Published on
October 27, 2014
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On 16th October’14, BrilliantPennyStocks.com initiated coverage on FNMA. The stock moved up by 7.62% since the coverage was initiated.

U.S federal government backed secondary mortgage provider Federal National Mortgage AssctnFnni Me (OTCBB:FNMA) has recently released a mixed update with respect to the macroeconomic situation buffeting U.S economy. It has estimated that the U.S economic activity will witness solid albeit incremental growth during 2015. In contrast, it anticipates the growth of the Global market place to face challenges during 2015.

Domestic Growth in 2H Revs Up To 3%

Federal National Mortgage AssctnFnni Me (OTCBB:FNMA) analysts predict that the growth measured in “Real economic terms” is all set to increase to a respectable 3% during the 2H of 2014. This build up in momentum is likely to emerge as a fountain head of growth for full year 2015, as per the mortgage provider. The report and corresponding data was put together by the Economic & Strategic Research Group of Fannie Mae.

Reasons behind Spurt

The report goes on to credit the pickup in domestic economic growth rates to the reduction in “fiscal uncertainty” coupled with weakening monetary interventions by the policy makers. This has led to the private sector increasing its investments, leading to boost in economic growth, the report has indicated.

Slowing Down Global Economy

Federal National Mortgage AssctnFnni Me(OTCBB:FNMA) analysts go on to predict that the uncertainty currently prevailing in the global economy might hold back the Federal Reserve Board from taking any further “interest rate” related decisions till 3Q15. The anticipated move is being seen as an attempt by FED not to rock the global economic growth boat by further tinkering with its interest rates.The report also goes on to clarify that the slowing down of economic growth at a global level, has not yet had any material impact on the domestic U.S economy.

Risk Factors

Fannie Mae Chief Economist Doug Duncan has also gone on record to list out the risks to sustenance of U.S domestic growth by stating that, "The risks are tilted to the downside due to current geopolitical events in Russia, Ukraine, Hong Kong, and the Middle East, as well as the economic slowdown in the Eurozone, China, and Japan.”

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