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Andiamo Corp (OTCMKTS:ANDI) Keeps Going Higher

Andiamo Corp (OTCMKTS:ANDI) Keeps Going Higher
Written by
Jarrod Wesson
Published on
February 13, 2018
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Andiamo Corp (OTCMKTS:ANDI) keeps taking steps in the right direction. It is not only hiring new talent but has also signed agreements with other players. Furthermore, ANDI said that it would not issue toxic debt. Thus, the company is looking after shareholders' interests too. Photo Taken From the Website - Andiamo Corp OTCMKTS:ANDIFor us, ANDI is a micro-cap runner. Today, judging by the bull action in the stock price, others have the same vision.Check the following chart: 2 months chart for ANDIANDI has its head office in Michigan. It owns a subsidiary called Utopya. Together, they focus on the development and distribution of mid-market smartphone. The goals include bolstering their intellectual property assets and delivering a proprietary software experience to its customers. To fulfill these goals, ANDI plans to acquire positions in complementary technology firms.New DevelopmentsFirst of all, the partnership with Cycloides Inc., IT company, is remarkable. It showed the new steps taken in Canada. Check Cycloides' business profile:

  • Research Award from the National Research Council of Canada.
  • Worked for two Fortune 500 companies.
  • Office in New York, USA.
  • It is present in Asia-Pacific Region.

ANDI exhibited much optimism. Check the following words:

"Given our commitment to offering a unique software ecosystem on Utopya devices, we are very pleased with our decision to engage an IT consulting firm of this calibre." said Mike Starkweather, CEO of Utopya

Additionally, the market also celebrated the news. As a result, shareholders gained 100% stock returns in ten days. We appreciate it. ANDI has done many things right in the last months. Consequently, the returns seem fair. Furthermore, the agreement is significant. Not only because the other party is powerful, but because it shows that ANDI is becoming known and recognized in the sector.But, there is more.ANDI continues to hire new talent. Mr. Loudon Owen, lawyer, and venture capitalist is now a new advisor. His profile is remarkable. Check the following resume:

  • Co-COO of Softimage, sold to Microsoft.
  • Present on the Board of Softimage and BPI Mutual Funds, among others.
  • Managing Partner of McLean Watson Capital

As a result, the share price commenced upward trend again. From $0.01, the share price spiked up to cross the $0.03 mark. These are double-digit returns for our readers. Not bad.Furthermore, we learned something. Every time new advisors are hired, the market pushes up the share price. Hence, this is an event to study closely.Symbol ChangeOn February 2, 2018, ANDI announced that it will change its ticker name. We were expecting it. A new name will better reflect the company's long-term vision. Thus, communicating with shareholders will be easier.Furthermore, the company keeps working on transparency. Many shareholders emailed the company regarding the capital stats. Not all the information was public. It was not ANDI's issue but was of its transfer agent. It has internal gag order that prevents the release of this information. As a result, the company decided to switch transfer agents. We celebrate the measure. The communication with stockholders will be enhanced.The reaction of the market was not positive. The share price declined to $0.02. The value erosion was equal to 30%. We don't agree with the reaction. In our opinion, some market participants only focus on short-term gains. They forget that transforming business takes time. We will need to wait a few months. Time will tell whether they were correct or not.Balance SheetThe financial position is stable. The most significant is the software already developed. In October 2017, it was worth $0.541 million before amortization costs. In addition, the total amount of assets is $0.155 million. Have a look: Assets - Andiamo Corp OTCMKTS:ANDIIn addition, the asset/liability ratio is large. The total amount of liabilities is $0.0445 million. So, ANDI's credit profile is stable.There is more.There are retained earnings of $0.750 million. It is a tax deductible item. If the company become profitable, ANDI will enjoy tax holidays for some time.Here are its equity and liabilities: Liabilities and Equity - Andiamo Corp OTCMKTS:ANDIConclusionCurrently trading with a market cap of $63 million, ANDI is an interesting story among small caps.Finally, we see several new stock catalysts. First of all, the name change could increase awareness. So, the stock could become more liquid. Additionally, ANDI may reveal new capital stats soon, which could create sharp spikes. Thus, be ready. Study the current share structure: Capital Stats - Andiamo Corp OTCMKTS:ANDIWe will be updating our subscribers as soon as we know more. For the latest updates on ANDI, sign up below!Disclosure: We have no position in ANDI and have not been compensated for this article.Image courtesy of Arild Storaas via Flickr

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