When we last reviewed American Cannabis Company Inc (OTCMKTS:AMMJ), we reported on the steps that the Company was taking to acquire new clients. The strategy employed by American Cannabis Company is proving to be successful. The Company continues to build its portfolio of successful clients, and the Company’s stock price is reflecting its success.Before we get into the details, a little background for those readers that have not been acquainted with the Company. Based in Denver, Colorado American Cannabis Company, Inc offers end-to-end solutions to existing and aspiring participants in the cannabis industry. The Company utilize its industry expertise to provide business planning and market assessment services, assist state licensing procurement, create business infrastructure and operational best practices. American Cannabis Company also developed and owns a portfolio of branded products including: The Satchel™, SoHum Living Soils™, The Cultivation Cube™ and The High Density Cultivation System™. The Company also designs and provides other industry specific custom product solutions. The building and development of its brands and product suite is based on the Geoponics Philosophy, "the art and science of agriculture in soil."American Cannabis Company, Inc continues to expands its client base nationwide. On Aug 15, 2017, the Company announced it secured a client in the state of California. This client seeks to acquire a license that will permit them to dispense medical cannabis to patients. The Company has been contracted to complete operational planning activities, to provide conceptual design work for a retail dispensary location, to assist with 2017 city permitting, and to help with 2018 state application completion.When the client is awarded a city permit, the Company will be further retained in the dispensary deployment process to provide facility staffing solutions, a customized set of operational workflow procedures, and remote operational monitoring support. The Company expects to leverage this contract to secure additional revenues through long-term consulting agreements and future sales of ancillary products, as this client is looking to seek licensure for the California recreational/adult-use cannabis program in the near future.On Aug 2, 2017 American Cannabis Company, Inc announced that it secured its third client in the state of Arkansas. This client initially retained the Company to provide pre-licensing solutions for their project. The Company will work with the client on robust financial pro-forma modeling, the creation of a custom business plan, facility conceptual design work, and with the completion of the state application. American Cannabis Company, Inc expects to leverage this contract to secure additional revenues through long-term consulting agreements and potential future sales of ancillary products.American Cannabis Company, Inc also recently secured new clients in North Dakota and Louisiana. Its two clients in Ohio, as of July 6, 2017, successfully submitted application materials and supporting documents for the purpose of acquiring business licenses to operate within the newly founded medical cannabis program that is to be regulated by the State of Ohio.In other news, on July 13, 2017, American Cannabis Company, Inc announced that its proprietary product SoHum Living Soils®(SoHum®), has won the 2017 High Times STASH award for "Best Potting Mix." SoHum® is a proprietary "just add water" growing medium that contains 100% natural ingredients and provides the cannabis plant a full buffet of macro/micro nutrients to better achieve genetic potential as well as an optimal cannabinoid profile. Terry Buffalo, CEO of American Cannabis Company, commented:
"We are very honored to receive this recognition from the readers of High Times. SoHum® was developed with a generous respect for the cannabis plant and its evolution, combining the traditional knowledge of growers with the latest research in soil science.”
AMMJ stock has been trading on a steady upward trend since mid-June. It reversed on June 14, 2017 from a low of $.3503. It is currently trading at $.9510. Quarterly financial reports for the period ending March 30, 2017 indicate an increase in revenue, and a decrease in the reported Net Loss as compared to the prior quarter. Cash reserves have also increased. Current market capitalization stands at $44.77 million, on 51.43 million shares outstanding as of August 18, 2017.American Cannabis Company finds itself in a good position. It has revenue growth, cash to expand, a growing industry, and a reputation that gets better with each client it acquires. The next price dip on AMMJ stock should start sounding “entry” alarms. We will be updating our subscribers as soon as we know more. For the latest updates on AMMJ, sign up below!For the full story, check out our complete coverage on AMMJ.Image courtesy of max_4_ganja via FlickrDisclosure: We have no position in AMMJ and have not been compensated for this article.