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Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
February 22, 2021
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If January and February are a sign of things to come in 2021, traders and investors are going to make a lot of money this year. 4 OTC stocks to watch are DMG Blockchain Solutions (OTCMKTS: DMGGF), Integrated Ventures (OTCMKTS: INTV), Net Savings Link (OTCMKTS: NSAV), and AppSwarm (OTCMKTS: SWRM).


First up, it’s important to understand that trading OTC stocks are not the same as trading blue chips. As we have stressed repeatedly to our subscribers, the key to trading OTC stocks is finding momentum BEFORE it happens and then be patient.Now, when we say that we find momentum BEFORE it happens, we are investors looking to position our subscribers BEFORE the move happens.We got our subscribers in early on TSNP, which you can read our first article here, and ALPP, which you can read about here. This is where the big money is made and why so many of our subscribers are sitting on gains of over 9633% in ALPP and over 19,900% in TSNP.It’s also best to own a portfolio of OTC stocks. For some that can be as many as 10 to 20 or more hot OTC stocks.We always alert our subscribers first before we publish for our regular readers. This is the value of having a subscription to Insider Financial, which you can sign up for here. We alert our subscribers with our best ideas before our regular readers.Now we know many prefer to day trade, but we are not day traders here at Insider Financial. It doesn’t suit our personality and we don’t like the intraday moves markets make. We have found we made more money being patient and ignoring the day-to-day noise of the markets.If you want to day trade, Insider Financial is not the place for you. When it comes to day trading, and if that’s what you are after, we recommend the folks at True Trading Group, which you can check out their live streams here.


The fact is that there is always a bull market somewhere. That’s why it’s important for penny stock investors to trade both OTC and NASDAQ/NYSE penny stocks, depending on the market conditions. There are always opportunities if you give yourself the flexibility to trade all markets.Last year, for the first half of 2020, it was much more profitable to trade NASDAQ hot penny stocks than OTC. That is where we and our subscribers were positioned. We captured the runs in SRNE, NIO,INO, IBIO, WKHS, and many others. Then once the summer came, many of the COVID runners had failed to find momentum. We then pivoted to OTC and caught the runs in TSNP, ENZC, MMEDF, and many others.Lately, it’s been best to play hot OTC stocks. There is no shortage of multi-baggers at the moment. As we have said repeatedly, there’s no better time to be a hot penny stock trader and traders need to be aggressive. It’s like being at the casino. When you have a hot hand and the house keeps losing (hedge funds and institutions), take advantage of it while you can.In this article, we take a look at 4 OTC stocks to watch DMGGF, INTV, NSAV, and SWRM to find out what’s behind the move and our outlook for each.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaCZ0mn14WY[/embed]

OTC Stocks To Watch DMGGF

DMGGF has been an incredible runner off the crypto craze as the stock was trading at just $.08 back in November. OTC Stocks To Watch DMGGF Daily ChartDMGGF is attractive because it is not just a crypto mining company. Rather, it is a full-service, vertically integrated blockchain company.DMGGF possesses core assets that begin with its 85MW power substation and 27,000 sq. ft. data center in British Columbia, Canada. DMGGF plans to monetize this cryptocurrency pool in partnership with Marathon Patent Group (NASDAQ: MARA), which we recommended back in August when it was just $4, and other potential large-scale mining companies. MARA Daily ChartDMGGF’s 2021 focus for its Christina Lake crypto mining operations is to complete its previously announced retrofitting from air to immersion cooling, increasing both its hosting and self-mining operations, as well as providing DMGGF flexibility in managing capital expenditures.DMGGF also owns Datient, Inc., the Silicon Valley-based creator of Blockseer and Walletscore. The acquisition was a strategic move based on the future of compliance and good governance in the cryptocurrency space.Blockseer is well-positioned with its first two products (Explorer and Walletscore) which allow users to be properly informed, aware, and protected in an otherwise often grey space. Expanding on Explorer and Walletscore, Blockseer launched its Pool platform which will be integrated with Blockseer’s Mine Manager, as one unified platform.

“DMG, as a vertically integrated Blockchain company, focuses on all aspects of the Bitcoin blockchain beginning at the mining ecosystem, through to securing the blockchain and processing Bitcoin transactions. Our business divisions include self-mining, hosting third party clients, development and deployment of software products such as Blockseer’s Mine Manager to manage mining operations, as well as the recent launch of Blockseer’s Pool, which aggregates Bitcoin mining hashrates and connects them to the Bitcoin protocol,” said DMG’s CEO, Dan Reitzik.

DMGGF remains an attractive play as the Bitcoin boom shows no signs of slowing down.

OTC Stocks To Watch INTV

We told our subscribers last week that INTV was one of the best crypto plays for investors before the big move, which you can read here. This is another example of finding the momentum BEFORE it happens!! OTC Stocks To Watch INTV Daily ChartWe said that:

INTV is also cleaning up its balance sheet. During Q1/2020, the convertible debt obligations were greatly reduced. The Company projects the balance sheet to be 100% convertible debt-free, by 03/15/2021.

INTV delivered on its promise of being 100% convertible debt on 02/16/2021. The company beat its goal by a month. As we have said repeatedly, whenever you get an OTC stock cleaning up its balance sheet and if there is no convertible debt, the OTC stock can run. INTV is a classic example of management doing right by its shareholders and delivering.

Steve Rubakh, CEO of Integrated Ventures, said "As we are starting to firm up a plan of action for a potential uplisting onto a major stock exchange, we recognize the importance of a strong balance sheet in order to maximize shareholder confidence."

With a current market cap of $119 million, the rally looks to be just getting started in INTV.

OTC Stocks To Watch NSAV

NSAV started the New Year trading in the triple-zeroes at just $.0003 a share. Many OTC players have been touting NSAV as the next TSNP. Looking at the chart below, you can see why. OTC Stocks To Watch NSAV Daily ChartNSAV is running after acquiring VirtuaBroker, a Swiss Cryptocurrency Trading Platform with offices in London and Barcelona. VirtuaBroker, whose platform is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), offers a full range of trading services, such as portfolio management, price search function, and much more.Their platform supports nearly all of the major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, Binance, Bitfinex, and Kraken.

James Tilton, president of NSAV stated, We are thrilled to be able to finally introduce VirtuaBroker to our loyal NSAV shareholders. I can assure you that this is only the first of several planned ventures in the cryptocurrency and digital asset arena. We sincerely hope that all of our shareholders can join us in our excitement and we thank all of you for your continued support.

NSAV has already confirmed that there will be NO reverse split. This is also always very good news whenever an OTC stock commits to NO reverse split.With a market cap of $228 million compared to TSNP's $4.1 billion, there's still more room for NSAV to run as it seeks to become the next TSNP.

OTC Stocks To Watch SWRM

SWRM is running after launching its new live streaming feature for its SwarmConnect video conferencing service. SWRM is now a play on ZOOM. As you can see, Mr. Market really likes what SWRM is doing. OTC Stocks To Watch SWRM Daily ChartSwarmConnect now supports live streaming through RTMP (Real Time Messaging Protocol). As a host, you can broadcast your video conference to hundreds or thousands of viewers and beyond. SwarmConnect Live Streaming is compatible with any platform that supports RTMP streaming, including Facebook and YouTube Live.

While many other systems let you broadcast video and images, SwarmConnect lets you broadcast the entire meeting, including screen sharing. This is great for large corporate or municipal events, letting you reach a massive audience while keeping participation in the meeting to a smaller group of individuals.

These features, along with SWRM's 5G broadband initiative allow the company to offer streaming information services to local municipalities, or larger enterprises wishing to provide real-time updates to their networks.

The best part about SWRM?

The company has a current market cap of ONLY $32 million!


These 4 OTC stocks to watch are hot right now. There are always opportunities in the markets and it’s our job to find winning stocks. Huge gains can be made in such a short amount of time.For those that missed out on the recent run in these 4 OTC stocks, our best advice is to be patient and throw bids in below the market. Buying dips and selling rips as swing trades remains the best strategy in these markets.Remember, all it takes is one or two to become a winner and you’ve crushed the market indices for the year. Whoever said to avoid OTC stocks has no clue what they’re doing.As always, good luck to all (except the shorts)!


Disclosure: We have no position in any of the securities mentioned. We wrote this article ourselves and it expresses our own opinions. We are not receiving compensation for it. We have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Insider Financial is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This article is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.Image by Free-Photos from Pixabay

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