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4 Bitcoin Penny Stocks: ARBKF BBKCF NSAV SANP

4 Bitcoin Penny Stocks: ARBKF BBKCF NSAV SANP
Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
March 9, 2021
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The past two weeks have been hard for OTC traders. We have all seen the value of our holdings drop in the last two weeks unless you're a short-seller like Tim Sykes. The shorts have been able to profit off the current bear market.This is what happens when you invest. Markets go up. Markets go down. Anyone that follows the Insider Financial YouTube channel knows that I have preached over and over again to book profits along the way. I warned my subscribers to not get greedy or get caught up in the diamond hands/paper hands BS.Congrats to all who listened and took some money off the table!!

However, what about the folks that didn't? What are they to do?

Well, for starters, what's done is done. Get over that woulda, coulda, shoulda BS. We have all been there and know there's nothing that can be done now. No use crying over spilled milk.First, don't be afraid. I've been trading OTC stocks for almost 30 years and this is how OTC Markets act. Crashes of 50% or more are a regular occurrence. This crash seems deeper than the rest because most investors are crowded in the same trades - TSNPD, ENZC, OZSC, HCMC, ABML, ALPP, AABB, etc. Once one name started dropping, nervous longs rushed to sell where they could and it created a stampeding effect.Second, trade small. Before, if you're starting buy was $500, cut it in half now. Start with $250. You should always scale into a position anyways. Never go into a position with your full load. OTC stocks are extremely volatile and no one has a clue how the stock will swing. It is completely out of our control. The only thing we can control is our purchases with limit buys.Also, never average in too close. For instance, if you bought at $.10, don't buy more at $.09 or $.11. Let the market move. A 10% or 20% move in OTC is nothing. Wait for at least a move of 30% or more before adding if you're looking to build a position.Third, look for OTC stocks that have yet to run. This is what we do at Insider Financial. We scan through hundreds of OTC stocks each week looking for the best alerts for our subscribers.We always alert our subscribers first before we publish for our regular readers. This is the value of having a subscription to Insider Financial, which you can sign up for here. We alert our subscribers with our best ideas before our regular readers.We preach the key to trading OTC stocks is finding momentum BEFORE it happens and then be patient. Now, when we say that we find momentum BEFORE it happens, we are investors looking to position our subscribers BEFORE the move happens.We got our subscribers in early on TSNPD, which you can read our first article here, and ALPP, which you can read about here. This is where the big money is made and why so many of our subscribers are sitting on gains of over 5166% in ALPP and over 12,862% in TSNPD.Fourth, it’s best to own a portfolio of quality OTC stocks. For some that can be as many as 10 to 20 or more OTC stocks.Fifth, cash is a position. There's nothing wrong with staying in cash and doing nothing if you're not comfortable. Listen to your gut!!Sixth, look for top OTC stocks that are still showing relative strength. We are talking about OTC stocks that are holding up well despite the sell-off in the OTC Markets. These are OTC stocks that are bucking the overall downtrend.[embed]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YkfIJaf5CoA[/embed]

Bitcoin Penny Stocks

One bright spot on the OTC Markets right now is Bitcoin penny stocks. The price of Bitcoin continues to hold up well as more institutions embrace the cryptocurrency. Every selloff has been met with strong support. Bitcoin continues to register higher lows before making new highs.Smart OTC traders know the best way to play the Bitcoin run is with Bitcoin penny stocks. Why spend $54,000 for 1 BTC when you can buy penny stocks that are a play on Bitcoin. 4 Bitcoin penny stocks to watch are Argo Blockchain (OTCMKTS: ARBKF), BIGG Digital Assets (OTCMKTS: BBKCF), Net Savings Link (OTCMKTS: NSAV), and Santo Mining (OTCMKTS: SANP).

Bitcoin Penny Stocks ARBKF

We said last month when ARBKF was under $2 that it was a hot penny stock that investors should have on their radar. Bitcoin Penny Stocks ARBKFARBKF just completed the acquisition of DPN LLC which gives Argo access to up to 800-megawatts of electrical power, where Argo intends to build a new 200mw mining facility over the next 12 months. This facility will provide Argo with what it believes are some of the lowest electricity rates in the world, the majority of which is from renewable sources.The consideration for the acquisition was an initial price of US$5M, satisfied by the issue and allotment to the shareholders of DPN LLC of 3,497,817 new ordinary shares in Argo, with up to a further US$12.5m in shares at a predetermined price being payable if certain contractual milestones related to the facility are fulfilled.

Peter Wall, Chief Executive of Argo Blockchain, said: “Argo’s purchase of land in Texas represents a significant milestone for the Company and is a cause for celebration. It not only gives us greater control over our mining operations but also the ability to meaningfully expand our mining capacity on a large scale. We now have access to some of what we believe is the cheapest renewable energy worldwide,in a location where innovation in new technologies is encouraged and incentivized.”

Last month, ARBKF announced that they mined 129 Bitcoin or Bitcoin Equivalent in the month of February compared to 93 BTC in January. This takes the total amount of BTC mined year-to-date to 222 BTC. At the end of February, the company held a total of 599 BTC.Based on daily foreign exchange rates and cryptocurrency prices during the month, mining revenue in February amounted to $6.04 million compared to $3.46 million in January 2021. Argo generated this income at an average monthly mining margin of approximately 81 percent for the month of February, up from 71 percent in January 2021. Argo has additionally announced that as of March 1, 2021, CEO Peter Wall will receive his salary exclusively in Bitcoin.On February 26, Argo completed the installation of an additional 4,500 Bitmain Antminer S19 and S19 pro miners, leased in November 2020 from Celsius Network, that is now fully operational. This takes the Company’s total mining capacity to 1075 Petahash (SHA-256) in addition to 280 Megasols of equihash mining capacity.

Bitcoin Penny Stocks BBKCF

We said last week that BBKCF was one of the best Bitcoin penny stocks for investors looking to play the Bitcoin boom, which you can read here. Bitcoin Penny Stocks BBKCFBBKCF owns Netcoins, the online cryptocurrency brokerage that makes it easy for Canadians to buy, sell, and understand cryptocurrency. The company just announced that February 2021 daily revenues grew by an impressive 54% Month over Month (MoM), and trading volumes set another consecutive monthly record. Among the highlights:

  • Monthly revenues hit a new record high of ~$1.25 million
  • Monthly Active Users has grown by 41% MoM
  • Assets Under Custody (AUC) has grown 69% MoM
  • Daily verified users (full KYC) grew by 49% MoM
  • Trading margins continue to track above 1%

If you want to own the Coinbase of Canada, BBKCF is the penny stock to buy. The best part is that its current market cap is just $280 million. BBKCF and Netcoins have Unicorn written all over it.

Bitcoin Penny Stocks NSAV

NSAV is a new Bitcoin penny stock that has caught the attention of OTC traders just this year. Bitcoin Penny Stocks NSAVNSAV is running after acquiring VirtuaBroker, a Swiss Cryptocurrency Trading Platform with offices in London and Barcelona. VirtuaBroker, whose platform is based on Artificial Intelligence (AI), offers a full range of trading services, such as portfolio management, price search function, and much more. Their platform supports nearly all of the major cryptocurrency exchanges, including Coinbase, Binance, Bitfinex, and Kraken.This week, NSAV announced the appointment of Bitmart Cryptocurrency Exchange Managing Partner, Yuen Wong, to the Company’s Board of Directors effective immediately. BitMart is a premier global digital asset trading platform with over 2 million users worldwide and ranked among the top crypto exchanges on CoinMarketCap.Bitmart’s platform supports over 220 cryptocurrencies and has a 24-hour trading volume of approximately $2 Billion. Bitmart offers low trading and withdrawal fees, is one of the securest platforms in the industry and its users can buy cryptocurrency with credit & debit cards, PayPal, and bank transfers.In January, NSAV announced that the Company has finalized an amendment to its Articles of Incorporation, which would prevent NSAV from enacting a reverse stock split. The amended articles are now on file with the state of Colorado and can be viewed by the public at the Colorado Secretary of State’s website.NSAV has been active recently on Twitter talking about its upcoming Digital Asset Wallet Card. NSAV has also been talking about uplisting to OTCQB. The company certainly knows how to keep a bid in the stock and that explains why NSAV closed green on a day when many hot OTC stocks were in the red.

Bitcoin Penny Stocks SANP

SANP started 2021 in the double-zeroes and quickly emerged as a volume leader on the OTC Markets. Bitcoin Penny Stocks SANPSANP is a play on Cardano (ADA), which has a $37.9 billion market cap.View on Twitter/XLast month, SANP reported DNATags™ will be converting its Ethereum Solidity-based Smart Contract to the Cardano Goguen Smart Contract. Santo Blockchain Labs has been developing and deploying Ethereum Solidity Smart Contracts for over 4 years now, with experience in ERC-20, ERC-721, ERC-1155 & ERC1450.The company has evaluated the long-term economics and technology benefits and has determined to move all its blockchain projects from Ethereum to Cardano Goguen. Unlike Ethereum, Cardano uses a mechanism that handles the tokenization natively on the ledger instead of via smart contracts, making all tokens in the Cardano blockchain follow the same logic and be inherently supported, instead of requiring the creation of layers as is the case of ERC-20 and ERC-721 tokens.This will ensure scalability, performance, and reduces transaction costs; also known as GAS Fees in the Ethereum world which lately are extraordinarily high and slowing down the transactions on the Ethereum network. DNATags™ prime directive is the authentication of products to ensure the consumer of its authenticity, there is a secondary component that will be the coupon rewards module. Users will have the ability to earn DNARewards™ native tokens as they scan products to ensure their authenticity. These DNARewards™ will interexchange with other coupon rewards systems or can be converted to the native Cardano, ADA cryptocurrency.

Frank Yglesias of Santo Blockchain Labs, added, "We are all in when it comes to Cardano, I have been personally been following the work of the guys at Cardano since 2016 and have great admiration for Charles and his team at IOHK. Cardano is the blockchain of the future and the future is here." additionally Adrian McKenzie, CEO of DNA Brands, stated, "We are rolling out a branding, marketing, and revenue-generating roadmap to launch DNATags™ and DNARewards™, in the weeks to come we will make public this roadmap"

Our only concern with SANP is that it still has the STOP sign on OTC Markets. This does put the company at risk of a trading suspension from the SEC. While we are not trying to scare anyone, it's best to be aware of this fact if you are holding SANP. The company needs to bring its filings current. Until then, trade at your own risk.


As we keep saying, there are always opportunities in the markets and it’s our job to find winning penny stocks to buy. Huge gains can be made in such a short amount of time.If you like any of these 4 Bitcoin penny stocks and have missed the move, our best advice in these tough times is to be patient and throw bids in below the market. Buying dips and selling rips as swing trades remains the best strategy in these markets.It’s also important to look for penny stocks that have yet to run. There are plenty of opportunities out there and we look at hundreds of penny stocks to buy each week trying to find the best alerts for our subscribers.Remember, all it takes is one or two to become a winner and you’ve crushed the market indices for the year.As always, good luck to all (except Tim Sykes and his fellow shorts)!


Disclosure: We have no position in any of the securities mentioned. We wrote this article ourselves and it expresses our own opinions. We are not receiving compensation for it. We have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Insider Financial is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This article is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

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