x min read


Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
April 15, 2021
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Lately, there has not been a lot to get excited about in the OTC Stock Markets. Except for the recent 2085% run in Regen BioPharma (OTCMKTS: RGBP), which we talked about in-depth here, and yesterday's 600% move in Sysorex (OTCMKTS: SYSX), it's been choppy to a down market.The main reason is the market makers, led by Jane Street, have engaged in naked short selling and depressed many of the former high-flying OTC stocks. If you notice, most of the chart patterns look the same – AABB, ABML, ALPP, ENZC, HMBL, OPTI, OZSC, etc.This is what we told our followers last month.View on Twitter/XUntil Congress acts, there’s not much investors can do in the short term. However, smart traders can use this to their long-term advantage.As we know from our almost 30 years of trading OTC Stock Markets, OTC stocks can turn on a dime and get running again just like what we have seen with RGBP. Those that give up and abandon hope, miss out on runners like RGBP. No one ever said trading and investing is easy. If it was, everyone would be doing it and be rich.


There are two choices for investors right now because selling is not an option.One, investors can do their homework and look for penny stocks that haven’t run yet. This is what we do at Insider Financial. We scan through hundreds of OTC stocks each week looking for the best alerts for our subscribers.We preach the key to trading OTC stocks is finding momentum BEFORE it happens and then be patient. Now, when we say that we find momentum BEFORE it happens, we are investors looking to position our subscribers BEFORE the move happens.We got our subscribers in early on HMBL, which you can read our first article here, and ALPP, which you can read about here. This is where the big money is made and why so many of our subscribers are sitting on gains of over 5553% in ALPP and over 10,937% in HMBL.It’s also best to own a portfolio of OTC stocks. For some that can be as many as 10 to 20 or more OTC stocks.We always alert our subscribers first before we publish for our regular readers. This is the value of having a subscription to Insider Financial, which you can sign up for here. We alert our subscribers with our best ideas before our regular readers.The second move for investors is to look for OTC stocks that were runners before and present dip-buying opportunities.What do we mean by this?The foundation of a great fortune is built during bear markets when there is blood in the streets. This selloff is when you want to be putting cash to work by buying quality OTC stocks. These are OTC stocks that were runners in the past and will run to new highs again.


We try to help as much as we can, but in the end, it’s all up to you. You are running your own trading business.Investing is not a team sport.The purpose of what we do here at Insider Financial is not only to find winning alerts but also to teach. But we are just one resource. There are other resources as well.For instance, if you want to day trade, we recommend the folks at True Trading Group, which you can check out their live streams here. They have a chat room as well as a ton of educational resources for their members.The one negative about True Trading Group is that they don’t cover OTC stocks much. However, the good news is that we specialize in OTC stock here at Insider Financial.In this article, we take a look at 4 OTC stock updates on HUMBL Inc (OTCMKTS: HMBL), Labor Smart (OTCMKTS: LTNC), Regen BioPharma (OTCMKTS: RGBP), and Sysorex (OTCMKTS: SYSX).

OTC Stock #1 HMBL

HMBL has been a favorite here at Insider Financial since we first covered TSNP when it was just $.027 a share and which you can read here. Since then, the stock has been an incredible runner and rewarded not only those that got in early but also those that bought every dip. OTC Stock #1 HMBLWhat's impressive about HUMBL is that it's still relatively unknown outside of OTC stock traders; however, that's starting to change as HUMBL is starting to get noticed.View on Twitter/XThis is important as HUMBL is set to launch its app.HUMBL is fully prepared as it just closed on a $3,000,000 bridge note from Brighton Capital Partners, LLC (Brighton Capital). In addition, HUMBL and Brighton Capital have executed an Equity Financing Agreement in which Brighton Capital has agreed to purchase up to $50,000,000 of HUMBL common stock. The right to cause Brighton Capital to purchase these shares is solely at HUMBL’s election.

Pursuant to the Equity Financing Agreement, Brighton Capital agreed to purchase up to $50,000,000 of HUMBL common stock. If HUMBL elects to cause Brighton Capital to purchase shares, the shares will be purchased at a 20% discount. HUMBL will have the right to cause Brighton Capital to purchase shares under the agreement following the effectiveness of an S-1 Registration Statement.

In exchange for $3,000,000 in cash, HUMBL issued to Brighton Capital a $3,300,000 Convertible Promissory Note. The note bears interest at 10% per annum and is convertible at Brighton Capital’s election at a fixed price of $3.15 per share.

OTC Stock #2 LTNC

We have been critical of LTNC due to the STOP sign not getting removed and the incessant pumping on Twitter and Stocktwits by StanTheOTCMan and the LTNC Army. However, you cannot deny the gains prior to yesterday's price action. LTNC has been on an incredible run while most of the OTC has been stuck in a rut. OTC Stock #2 LTNCEven after yesterday's big drop, the LTNC army isn't giving up. After all, the website is coming and a company with a market cap of $611 million must have a good website.View on Twitter/XMeanwhile, LTNC General StanTheOTCMan is off to the Carribean for a week.Here is the average download speed throughout the Caribbean.All we know from our experience is that if you have to ask if a stock is a pump-and-dump, chances are you're the bagholder.

OTC Stock #3 RGBP

We are talking about RGBP again because it's important for investors to understand that stocks go up and they go down. This is why we say that if you missed the move, don't chase. Wait for the dips! RGBP dipped to $.0292 before closing at $.04585. OTC Stock #3 RGBPRGBP is running after signing two deals with Oncology Pharma. One is between Oncology and Regen for treating pancreatic cancer. The second is between Regen’s wholly-owned subsidiary KCL Therapeutics, Inc, and Oncology for the treatment of colon cancer.What we really like about the deals with Oncology Pharma is that Regen BioPharma is sitting on a very valuable patent portfolio. It was just a matter of time before they started monetizing it. Just doing a Google patent search yields 23 results.These deals further validate the premise that while there has been no news from the company in almost 2 years, Regen BioPharma and its CEO David Koos have been hard at work for shareholders.Regen BioPharma also just filed an 8-K that they intend to complete their financials. Once the company files for 2019 and 2020, the STOP sign will be removed. This will allow more brokers to list RGBP and RGBPP for their customers to trade. This is why some folks at Fidelity for instance can’t purchase shares.We believe that the 2,085% run in RGBP is just what the OTC Markets needed. When investors start hearing about 10-baggers they go where the fast money can be made. We saw that last year with TSNP/HMBL and how that hot stock fueled an OTC boom like we had never seen before in our 30 years of trading. There was a new 1000% runner every week.

OTC Stock #4 SYSX

SYSX is running after putting out two big press releases. OTC Stock #4 SYSXThe first piece of news is that Inpixon (NASDAQ: INPX) converted a note receivable due from Sysorex into shares of Sysorex common stock valued at approximately $17 million based on the closing price of Sysorex's common stock as of April 13, 2021.The second piece of news is that Sysorex closed a reverse triangular merger with TTM Digital Assets & Technologies, a data center owner and operator primarily engaged in the business of mining Ethereum and additional cryptocurrencies.Founded in 2017, TTM was an early participant in the Ethereum blockchain and TTM believes it is the largest Ethereum miner on the U.S. public markets. As a result of the transaction, Sysorex will adopt TTM's business and operations, while also continuing to operate the existing business through its wholly-owned subsidiary, Sysorex Government Services, Inc.TTM owns and operates more than 12,000 NVIDIA graphics processing units (GPUs), including a large number of specialized Cryptocurrency Mining Processors. These GPUs are currently online and securing the Ethereum blockchain and generating ETH around the clock with industry-leading efficiency.The terms of the merger call for the shareholders of TTM to exchange 100% of TTM’s share capital for Sysorex’s agreement to issue 124,218,268 shares of Sysorex common stock to the TTM shareholders, which will represent 80% of the total share capital of Sysorex.As a closing condition to the Merger, a significant portion of the Company’s existing debt holders, creditors, and service providers agreed to convert or exchange their outstanding indebtedness or accounts payable, as applicable, eliminating at least $13,500,000 of Sysorex debt, substantially improving Sysorex’s balance sheet and significantly increasing Sysorex shareholders’ equity.With a low float and Ethereum continuing to climb, SYSX has plenty of room to still run.


As we keep saying, there are always opportunities in the markets and it’s our job to find a winning OTC stock for our subscribers. Huge gains can be made in such a short amount of time.If you like any of these 4 OTC stocks (even LTNC), our best advice is to be patient and throw bids in below the market. Buying dips and selling rips as swing trades remains the best strategy in these markets.It’s also important to look for stocks on the OTC Markets that have yet to run. There are plenty of opportunities out there and we look at hundreds of OTC stocks to buy each week trying to find the best alerts for our subscribers.Remember, all it takes is one or two to become a winner and you’ve crushed the market indices for the year.As always, good luck to all (except the shorts)!


Disclosure: We have no position in any of the securities mentioned. We wrote this article ourselves and it expresses our own opinions. We are not receiving compensation for it. We have no business relationship with any company whose stock is mentioned in this article. Insider Financial is not an investment advisor and does not provide investment advice. Always do your own research and make your own investment decisions. This article is not a solicitation or recommendation to buy, sell, or hold securities. This article is meant for informational and educational purposes only and does not provide investment advice.Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay

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