An astounding quarter of Americans do not know how to cook, and it’s changing our economy. In 2015 people spent more money eating out in restaurants than they did on groceries, and many grocery stores are feeling the pinch. By January of this year, the total in restaurant sales had reached $61 billion, while grocery sales had fallen to $56 billion, a $5 billion difference. What’s more, restaurant meals are three times as expensive as home-cooked meals at a time when 28% of people have zero emergency savings. Is cooking at home the answer?There are a lot of complicated reasons why people are eating out more than ever. Hours are creeping up and lifestyles are busier than ever. In families with kids, both parents are often working outside the home and kids are scheduled with more organized events than ever before in history. There may just not be enough time to make a home-cooked meal.But for many, the bigger issue is simply not knowing where to start. In the age of tech and gadgets, there’s no excuse not to learn, especially when it can save so much money that is much needed to build emergency savings and retirement savings. Learn more about kitchen basics from the infographic below.This infographic brought to you by KitchenByte