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Canada started clinical treatment with bio-tech plasma to fight against covid-19

Canada started clinical treatment with bio-tech plasma to fight against covid-19
Written by
Alex Carlson
Published on
April 13, 2020
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The world has this fight against COVID-19 because of its detrimental effects that can kill humans and destroy a nation’s economy. Canada is one of the countries affected by this virus and has thousands of cases and hundreds of deaths. It is no wonder that it will take some measures to fight the infection.Canada Starts Clinical Treatment With Bio-Tech Plasma Throughout the CountryMany Canadian experts plan to conduct a massive clinical trial of the possibility of immunotherapy for fighting this disease. Other nations like Singapore, China, and the US already turned to this kind of treatment, and Canada is planning to follow their example.This immunotherapy involves taking some blood from the COVID-19 survivors and extracting the plasma from the other blood components. The goal is to acquire the convalescent plasma. The convalescent plasma refers to the yellow fluid part of the blood that contains an abundant number of antibodies that the survivors have developed to fight the disease.According to Dr. Donald Arnold, this treatment might work because of the theory that the survivors have the antibodies to fight against COVID-19.In this clinical trial, not less than 1000 patients will participate. It will include 40 hospitals or more. Doctors from various universities like the ones from the University of Toronto, University of Montreal, and the University of Ottawa will observe the trial.The ones that will manage the blood donations are the two major blood suppliers in Canada, which are the Hema-Quebec and the Canadian Blood Services.Covid-19 outbreak leads to the economic recessionCanada’s government is very interested in clinical treatment as the economy is on the verge of a crash. Just like Trudeau’s office, every country wants to create the covid-19 treatment of their own. The first industry that got a big hit in Canada was tourism, especially gaming tourism. In the last five years, Canada’s tourism industry was growing rapidly. The tourism industry had three consecutive record-breaking years and contributed to the economy of the country exceeded 10 billion dollars. Gaming tourism was the primary source of success. Russia prohibited gambling in Moscow and major cities. Other countries have the same route - in the USA people can only gamble in particular cities just like China. Canada is the only member of the top 10 economies that allows tourists to play offline or online casino games in every major city of the country. People play on live casino online platforms while visiting Stanley Park or Moraine lake as it’s allowed. Gaming tourism is followed by millions of travelers every year and Canada became the major hub for gambling lovers. Along with a wide range of casino brands, tourists can freely access online platforms and enjoy their luck on the internet. Country officials believe that consumer satisfaction has to be the main priority if you decide to grow the economy rapidly. As gaming tourism got the hit, contribution to the economy would lower geometrically. Millions of Canadians lost the jobs during the pandemic while Trudeau is thinking about replacing Bank of Canada governor Poloz as soon as possible. Canada Confirms More Than 10,000 Cases of COVID-19 Through CitizensCanada has made a wise decision that, along with antiviral treatment, will also conduct a clinical trial for immunotherapy's possible potential. It is because Canada's status on COVID-19 is not getting any better.On April 2, an additional 401 added to the total number of cases, resulting in 10,000 cases. It was a significant difference with the 24 cases listed on March 1.The chief of public health officer in Canada, Dr. Theresa Tam, confirmed it and stated that this number represents the previous infections and not the current ones. The places that got the highest number of cases are in British Columbia, Quebec, and Ontario.The significant number of deaths stemmed from the nursing homes and healthcare facilities' outbreaks.The ones that are the most vulnerable are those who live near others. It includes those people who live in correctional facilities, retirement homes, and indigenous areas.There is also a growing concern about the health workers' protection against COVID-19.According to the Public Health Agency, 64 percent of the cases in Canada got the virus through community transmission. It is a serious issue because the affected ones contacted the virus even without a history of traveling or being at the proximity with the infected others. Therefore, the fight against COVID-19 continues.Image by Alexey Hulsov from Pixabay

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